The Keeper of the Ghosts

Hair like lightning

Sprung from her head,

In her garden she chased

Spirits of the dead.


"The keeper of the ghosts!"

The townsfolk would cry,

And from foggy windows,

They watched and they spied


Dashing around,

Shaking hands with air,

Yet the townspeople would smile

As they continued to stare.


Not only the dead,

Were the ones she would greet,

She chatted away with every 

Soul she did meet.


"Your loved ones,"she said, 

Her eyes all aglow,

"Are doing just fine"

"I thought you should know."


Then back to her garden,

The woman would go,

To accompany the dead

Near the flowers she'd sow.


She'd sit down a moment,

To rest her old feet,

And with ghostly friends she would share

An afternoon treat.


She'd lay out the snacks,

In ten or so rows,

But where she went next,

Nobody knows


Some said she left,

To join her collection of odd friends,

But others say,

That was not her first "end,"

And with time she will come back,

All over again.

Posted in response to the challenge Eccentric.

Rigney Deliso


16 years old

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