
you know how to hurt me
take my own knife 
stab me in the heart
leave me bleeding on the concrete sidewalk
and say it's love
in case you've forgotten
you're no longer in love with me
because i am not a good fit for you.
i am here
i am here because i love you
but if you don't want me
shut the hell up
and tell me what you want me to do
i can't handle your anger taken out on me
i can't handle communication through spotify
i can't handle not knowing where the landmines are beneath my feet right now
you know damn well how to hurt me
just remember
i know damn well how to hurt you too



16 years old

More by IceGalaxy

  • a letter to congress

    i will kneel on broken glass as

    my blood stains the pearly sheen so that

    you will see i've resorted to my last option: begging

    before you (as a woman should be) to rip

    the cloth around your eyes away and

  • teenager in america

    i go to school these days & i'm scared i'll get shot

    earbuds always in, trying to drown out my thoughts

    fall to the ground, let it all float away

    look me in the eyes & i'll believe every lie you say

  • Parenting Lessons

    always carry your keys between your middle and ring finger 

    never have your wallet visible 

    don't listen to music in public 

    everyone's a stranger 

    you're our child; don't scare us.