Letters from the City

Sophia Jane, of Glenwood, Maine, was accepted into Madam’s Art School for Girls in Augusta, Maine. She said her goodbyes to her family and went right away. As she sat in her dorm room, on her fluffy bed, she wished to talk to her family. And so, she grabbed her pen and paper and started to write. She wrote to her Mother.

Dear Mother,
I am enjoying school so much, but I'm writing to you, because I wish to have a connection with the bright, sunny hills of Glenwood, and our little humble home. It is so different here in the city. I have made new friends. Lots of them too. But tell Marie, she will always be my favorite.
Becky and I are to go to the Cafe after school.
Enough about me. How about you? How is home life? How is old Grandpa doing. How is Father? How are my dear two sisters?
Please, if you receive this, write me back. 
Your Daughter,
Sophia Jane

Sophia's family received the letter the next week. Marie, who had worried about losing her dear sister, reread the letter many times.Then, they wrote back. When Sophia saw her letters, back in Augusta, she cheered, and read all of them right away. 

Dearest Sophia,
How we all rejoiced when we saw your heartwarming letter. Of course, we all had to respond right away. Grandfather is doing wonderfully. We think he might reach 100 years old. As for Father, he is also doing well. Maybe we can meet you in Augusta, with Becky, if you inform us where the cafe is.
Many Hugs and Kisses to you,

The next letter was from grandpa, and Sophie was so surprised that he wrote in his old age, that even the shakey writing didn't bother her.

Dearest Granddaughter,
Thank you for thinking of me, in these times of education. I would like to inform you, I am doing well. I know this was short, but all I can possibly do is wish you my love.

The letter was full of love, and made Sophie feel joyful.She quickly opened the last letter, that was from her two sisters, Marie and Annie.

Oh Sophia,
How I miss you every day. Home is not the same without you.
I am so happy I will remain your favorite. Beth is in the background, yelling at me to give her a chance to write, so I must end it here.
Your Love,

Dearest Sophia,
I'm sorry for Marie’s lousy talk. I never yell. I wish we didn't have to share a letter, but Mother does not wish me to waste paper. Besides, Marie always writes short. I am so proud of you, for getting into this wonderful school. Who knows; one day you could be as great as Nadezda Petrovic. Your art is so realistic.I am surprised though, that  you didn't choose dance. I thought it was your passion. Either way, I am proud. Congratulations..
I send my love to you and you only,

As Sophia finished her reading, her heart was overwhelmed with joy.And she thought, There's truly nothing like letters from home.

Tegan Miller
Grade 5
Killington Elementary School

Ms. Gormly


YWP Instructor

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