

Thoughts fall through my mind like the snowflakes during the first snow of the year 

They are gentle and calm but as they day goes on they bring on fear

Thoughts of panic and worry, that I’m not good enough fill my mind 

Eventually my thoughts are clouds handing in the sky making it impossible to see the truth 

The feeling of being alone surrounds me as if I’m a single dead flower in a vibrant garden  

Being stuck in a flood of memories and worries that mean nothing, 

Overthinking about what people think when their opinions don’t matter, 

Not having someone there to talk to and really explain how you feel, 

Stuck in your own mind with words and thoughts pouring down into your soul 

You come to a time to believe these things and you live your life in an endless pit of sadness 

Then the goal is to be the flower that reaches towards the sun and blooms beautifully with so much potential 

When the rainfall of worries fall down on you stay strong and don’t let it weigh you down

Life is a giant ocean, sometimes you calmly sail through it and sometimes you have to struggle to stay afloat

No matter the thoughts trying to drag you to the bottom of the ocean stay afloat and remember what life really is, 

It’s not a meaning less path to travel along but an adventure with many problems and solutions 

The trick is to go through things with an open mind and not worry what other thing of you 

People’s words are like the thorns on a rose, once you take them off the rose is harmless and beautiful

Once you remember the thorns aren’t important to live you can see the true beauty in life. 




19 years old

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