


19 years old


  • Happiness

    Happiness is….

    The feeling of relief when you’ve completed all of the tasks for the day, 

    The breeze on your face while walking on the beach with the sky-colored gray. 
  • Friends...

    Friends can be both delight and pain at the same time. Being friends with someone brings good and bad memories and no relationship with anyone can be all good and all bad.
  • The Problem

    “Where did you put the money??? The guy will be here any minute now and we can’t miss this payment!” I screeched at Chole. 
  • Life


    Thoughts fall through my mind like the snowflakes during the first snow of the year 

    They are gentle and calm but as they day goes on they bring on fear

  • Interview

    It was a sunny summer day when I woke up. One of those perfect days where the sun is shining but it's not too hot, the birds are chirping and gliding through the sky, and there is a light breeze. I got out of bed and did my morning routine.
  • Senses

    I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have another sense that no one else had. When I was younger I would have wanted it to be flying, the ability to be invisible, or teleport.