
I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have another sense that no one else had. When I was younger I would have wanted it to be flying, the ability to be invisible, or teleport. Now if I was able to have another sense it would be to sense what other people are feeling. I always worry whenever my friends seem upset and when I ask what's wrong the majority of them say they are fine. 

With this sense, I would be able to know how they are feeling without asking. Sometimes when I ask how they feel they get annoyed or mad at me. Now I would be able to know how they feel without asking and I would be able to decide if I should talk to them or not. This sense would help me be a better friend now that I can be there for them whenever. I would know if they are in the mood to talk to me or if they need space. 

Now with this sixth sense, I would help people be happy when they are sad or be someone they can talk to when upset or mad. I would always know how someone is feeling and from there judge how I should interact with them. I wouldn’t have to ask anyone if they are mad or upset because I would know without having to ask.




19 years old

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