a list too long to read

i wish that everyone could
be as intimately excited by myself,
so absolutely infatuated and repulsed
as i am. 

i wish i could erase my desperate 
cries and push my howling laugh and
my ridged bottom teeth that i've grown to love
right back in place of the horrible things
they seem to see. 

if they could taste my tears,
if they could feel my heartbeat under
their cracked fingernails, would they
like me a bit more?
would they stay a little longer?

or would they grow sour, like i have,
and decide that i'm easier to ignore than
i am to love, like a plant that you can't
be bothered to water
(my bedroom is a graveyard)

and i wish i could change
the way
i seem to cry every morning in front
of the mirror just to remind myself that
i can still feel something, or
the way
i seem to destroy every good thing that
comes my way because i let myself
get carried away.

i wish-



16 years old

More by ivyparks

  • clumsy poem

    the sun is rising, and from my
    window i can see the way the maple
    tree sways in the wind, dancing
    along to the earth's howling. 

    i look around me and all i am is
    tired, tired of the bed that makes my
  • love is a sickness

    i have so much of you in my heart,
    but i do not think that i can call the feeling
    within me love because there is
    an overwhelming bitterness that comes
    along with it that it hurts.

    young, i am like a bruised
  • Dependency

    purple and blue and red,
    she is the spring rain as it washes
    over your body, a mere annoyance
    in the wake of his storm.

    she hurts and she grows,
    like a rose, with her thorns drawing
    blood from your greedy fingers,