A Love Letter To My Bedroom

My dearest darling, 
My most beloved chamber, how my heart aches at the words that I have to say to you now. I am behind a veil of tears as I think of our nearing separation. It is you that have been close by my side all these long eight years, you who hath raised me alone in the comfort of your insulated embrace. I still remember when I first met you, a child of seven years, eyeing your vintage 50's floral wallpaper and sea-foam green carpet. Stuck to your hardy, pale walls and auburn floorboards since birth. 

I admit, in those early years, I was jealous to have had to share your affections with my sister. Oh,how you use to favor her. You gave her the larger bed, the nicer bureau, the more stuffed animals upon her sheets. She treated you so poorly, she rejected your tokens of love, abused and neglected your kindness. Throwing her toys about the room and leaving me alone to clean up the mess. I think, as much as you may deny, fell in love with me during that time, as did I too. I got to know you very well; your nooks and closet, the tiny hiding places within your rectangular perimeter. I waited patiently all those years, for you to finally be mine and mine alone. When I could shut the door, and not expect anyone to interrupt me. 

Then came that fateful day in 2015. Mom and Dad told me that I would finally have you, that I was to have a room of my own due to nearing adolescence. I watched your transformation, as your faded pink posies and yellowed baby's breath adorning your papering turned to a bright, magnificent shade of deep and royal purple. You wore it well, it suited you much better. I'll never forget the beauty of seeing you that first day after the paint job was complete, truly as you were and were always meant to be. So light and awash with silver light. The way it touched your newly painted walls, reflecting a glittering light. 

That's always been a funny thing about you, you never needed a light to shine because you were always somehow, by some magical spell, alight with white daylight. 

Please know, that it was not my choice to leave you. Do not blame yourself, I think we both know that this was never meant to last. Even if I had stayed, I would be gone soon. I am now on my second year of High School, and after I shall be on my third. Our time together has been running out for a while, I had to go sometime. Our departure was inevitable, as tragic as it is. We, my love, were not meant to last. We, my love, were not meant to last. Nothing in this world is immortal. Every raindrop, every tree branch and leaf fades and is reborn again in this never ending cycle of endings and beginnings. We, my dear, are just the same. 

I instead urge you to remember the happier days, when you and I would spend hours alone. I writing, laying on the bed flat on my belly as you whispered poetry into my ears, inspiring my prose. Or when I was drawing, whilst your gleaming light shone down on my paper so I could always see what I was working on. You never criticized, never judged my art or my skills or doubted my talent. You were one of the most supportive people in my life during those early years as I was discovering my own abilities and boundaries (and still am!). I will always be eternally grateful to you for that and I know I shall always hold these memories within my heart with great tenderness. 

As you know, I leave you tomorrow. How greatly I will miss you, my dear. But please, I beg you not to dwell on my memory too heavily. Do not let my absence close your heart to new loves and new, happy memories. There are new people coming after all. I hear that they have a child, a young girl that I know you will like very much. Please, be kind to her. Shelter her from her nightmares as you did for me. Let your cool, purple walls ease her into a deep slumber as you did for me. Sheath her from the cold through the winter days and nights. Cherish her and keep her the way you would have done for me. She is younger than me, a child of three, she will need all your full love and support. 

As she grows, you will be the house she remembers, the house she grows up in. It is your job, as you know, to provide a comfortable sanctuary for her. A respite from all of the outside world. A place where she has no fear to be herself, to express herself, to feel and love as only she knows how and never fear judgment. I only ask that every once and a while you remember me. When you look out past the wooden gate, past the bedroom view of the backyard, even past the treeline of the park so nearby, think of me, thinking of you, in my new bedroom. Wishing you were still with me. 

You will love again I promise. Both our hearts shall heal, for as they say, time cures all wounds. 

Farewell, my dearest. With all the love and adoration in the world, 

Yours, forever, 





YWP Alumni

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