Me as a place

I am a big house off an abandoned highway not far from a large city
If you walk past me you will see an old house that looks abandoned 
With grey stone walls and ivy vines slowly crawling their way to the roof
Some days there may be a small light glistening through the top window
Or maybe the door is slightly ajar 
If you were to go inside the house 
You would expect layers of dust and the smell of mold that would tickle your nose, for on the outside of this house, it looks abandoned 
But if you entered the house, if you dared, you would not find an abandoned house at all
The door would not creak and you would slowly, daringly, step into a large living room 
You would smell lavender and old burnt firewood 
You would see everything in perfect place all the way down to the candles that started burning when you stepped through the door 
You would look up and would see the stars, for the roof is made of glass
You would walk into the kitchen and there would be food all over the table
You would see a staircase 
Slowly you would walk toward the spiral staircase, your footsteps echoing throughout the whole house 
You would come up to a dark hallway with four doors and one more staircase at the end
Two on the left
Two on the right
As you gingerly step toward the first door on the left you would expect it to be as dark as the hallway
You would be wrong
The room is full of light as you step into it and it illuminates the books
Bookshelves that seem to reach all the way to the ceiling are full of books of all different shapes and sizes 
When you step into the next room on the right 
Heat blasts your whole body
This room is full of plants
Every plant you could imagine and more
The next room on the left has animals of every size 
They all stare at you, not with hunger, but with curiosity 
The next one on the right 
Is full of clothes
All colors of the rainbow on many shelves 
As you approach the staircase at the end of the hallway 
You slowly take each step
Counting 13 till you get to the top
And what you find is a small room, by far the smallest of them all
With one candle burning on the window seat
This is the window that had light from the outside 
There are pillows on the window seat 
And a book
The Giver
Slowly you sit down
The pillows beckoning you 
And you read
In this old house
That is so much more than an old house



17 years old

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