
Tim Hardey checked his watch, it was 11:58pm. It had been three hours since the car crash. He could still remember his parents’ voices.

“George, slow down! You’re going to kill us!”

“I’m only going 15 miles over. You do want to get there on time, right?”

Then came the screaming. And in an instant after, silence. Tim dragged his body across the roof of the flipped-over car and exited through a broken window. He stood up and looked at his parents, who were both smeared in blood with glass shards sticking out of their bodies. They were dead.

As he walked down the misty road, his tears drowned his face and his legs begged for mercy. It was a perfectly straight road that seemingly went on for miles and miles, although Tim didn’t remember it being that long before the crash. The sound of gravel crunching beneath his feet echoed throughout the darkness. He was lost and couldn’t make sense of what had happened. The question of what he was supposed to do next only frightened him more. The mist made it so he could barely see ten feet ahead. He checked his watch again, it was 11:59. He was surprised that he was still awake because he could never stay wake past 10:30. He watched his watch turn from 11:59 to 12:00. It was officially midnight, the time when all the “spooky’ things happen. Tim felt some comfort in knowing that there was nothing that could harm him more than the crash from earlier had.

Then he came to a halt. He was too tired to keep walking anymore, his legs hurt too much. He sat down in the middle of the road and stared ahead, hoping that either someone would come and save him or run him over and put him out of his misery. As he focused as far as he could see, he noticed the faint outline of someone in the distance. He assured himself that he was hallucinating from being so tired, but then he saw it moving closer. He started to hear a ringing noise in his ears. It kept growing louder as the figure got closer. Eventually, Tim was able to make out what it looked like. He was in a completely black suit and a black top hat. It seemed to be submerged in shadow. The creature raised its top hat and bowed. When it stood back up Tim tried to make out its face, and then he realized who it was. 

“Dad?” The creature made a little grin, and then the grin kept growing. He saw that it had sharp jagged teeth. The creature stared for a while and then broke out into laughter. Tim stood there, frozen, with fear coursing throughout his body. The creature put his top hat back on and turned around. He started walking away until he was just a small figure in the distance. Tim broke out of his trance and then shouted at the creature.

 “Dad!” The creature turned around. “If you’re alive, then where’s mom?” The creature smiled and then opened his mouth.

“I killed her.” His voice sounded deep and choppy, similar to what the devil would sound like.

“Dad, why would you do that.” The creature grinned again.

“I’m not your daddy.”

He then started sprinting at Tim. Tim wanted to run away, but he was too tired to do so. The creature ran straight through him, and he felt a gust of air rush through his lungs and out of his mouth and nose. 

He then heard the sound of an alarm. It was extremely loud and seemed to bounce off the air like it was a wall. Tim’s eyes opened and he hit snooze on his alarm clock and pulled his sheet over his head. George opened the door.

“Wake up sleepy head, we can’t be late for Aunt Claudia’s wedding.”

‘That’s what you said at her last for weddings, and none of them stuck. Does it really matter anymore?”

“Of course it does, she’s my sister. Now don’t keep me and your mother waiting.”

“Fine.” George rolled his eyes. He thought about his dream last night and how his parents had crashed. He knew that if something like that happened he wouldn’t be able to handle it.

“We’re going to be late, come on!”

“Im coming Dad, Jesus!” 

Half an hour later they all got into their rusty old minivan, making sure they were prepared for the dreadful six-hour drive to Aunt Claudia’s house. Tim was thinking about the wedding. What if another groom said no? He chuckled at the idea. He was tired of having to go to every wedding

Knowing there would be another. There was just no point.

They made a few stops along the way, eventually realizing that they were going to be late. George stepped on the gas in order to wipe off a bit of time. 

“George, slow down! You’re going to kill us!”

“I’m only going 15 miles over. You do want to get there on time, right?” 

Tim realized where he had heard this before, and without any hesitation he closed his eyes and braced for the crash.

After Tim dragged himself out of the car, he didn’t bother looking at his parents’ dead bodies. He had no need to see it twice. He sat down next to the demolished car, because he knew there was no point in walking, and his mind started to wander. He remembered everything that was in his dream, including the misty road and the crash, which had already come true. There was one thing that he couldn’t remember though. There was something about the dream that he couldn’t place his finger on. Before he had any more time to think, he felt a slender hand placed on his shoulder. He didn’t want to believe it, so he checked his watch before looking behind him. It read 12:00.




18 years old

More by vanhoudj@bsdvt.org