A Monday in October

It's October,
but Margo is still wearing a short summer skirt
it's Monday
and Margo should be walking with me 
Cheeks flush in the crisp autumn morning
warm hand in mine as as we make our way to school
as we turned onto main street
she'd be telling me how crazy her brother drove her this morning
and how lucky I was to be an only child

the memory's so close 
but it's just that 
a memory 
I"m alone

Margo's not walking to school with me
even though it's monday 
She's asleep
her skin pale 
her voice still 

they buried her on a wendsday 
a couple weeks before school started

It's October,
but Margo is still wearing a short summer skirt
and everyday
the memory of her laugh gets farther away


Doctor Who


17 years old

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