Music on the ceiling

The girl couldn't sleep.
Not when there was a party downstairs.
Not when there was music that crept under her closed door and whispered for her to stay awake.
The music seemed to sit at the foot of her bed and watch her as she tried to count her thoughts.
The girl looked at the shadows that came and went across her ceiling. Normally, they frightened her.
However, tonight was different.
Tonight there was a party downstairs, so the shadows on her ceiling seemed to dance.
When she looked up, all the girl could see were dancers that twirled and spun, waved and laughed, illuminated by the spotlight that shone through the crack under her door.
The girl watched as the shadows bowed and curtsied to one another, and then all went around in a circle holding hands.
There seemed to be lots of joy in the way the shadows danced. 
They seemed to dance to the music from downstairs.
The girl couldn't sleep.
Not when there was a party on her ceiling...



YWP Alumni

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