In my blood and veins

I have water in my blood and veins. My long hair always whips in the wind and rain.
Twirling and falling drip after drop. 
In my blood and veins.
I'm a water bug.
I shoot to amaze.
In my blood and veins.
Just be brave.
Drip drop flip flop.
Rain falls. The sun stalls.
It's in my blood and veins.
Mother natures crazy game.

A Sports Person


16 years old

More by A Sports Person

  • Happy

    This is a poem of hope,

     a poem of peace. 

    It is short and sweet, 

    simple as a bird going tweet.

    I just want to say 

    Covid please go away 

    that is all I have to say. 
  • You're Job Is A Tree

    You glow in the day,
    A shadow at night.
    As kids climb you they scream with delight.
    The sky turns pink, gold, and red.
    You sit there watching. With nothing to be said.
    You bloom in the spring,
    And loom in the winter.
  • Foul Shot

    Swish. Bang, Dribble. Shot.
    Crane my neck up at the hoop.
    Girp the ball, it will not droop.
    Put my feet on the line.
    Oh please go in ball of mine.
    Hands in positon.
    Watch my vison.
    Defense ready.
    Box out go.