My Pen & Ink

In the past, I used to write a lot. I would pour my heart and soul into every word, crafting beautiful pieces of art that I was proud of. However, over time, I found myself reading more novels and tales than actually creating my own. As a result, I lost that sincere melody and voice that I used to have with poetry.

Now, as I sit down to write, I feel like I'm in a dark room without a light. I'm trying to find the words, but I just can't seem to grasp them. It's like I've lost my way and can't find my path again. I'm desperately searching for that spark of creativity that used to ignite me, but it seems to be eluding me.

I know they say "There's always light at the end of the tunnel," but what if I never find it? What if I'm searching for something that doesn't even exist? It's a scary thought, but I'm determined to keep trying. I want to find my way back to that place where words flow effortlessly from my pen and the world fades away as I create.



14 years old

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