Name Game

I don’t like my name


not this one, the one I stole

from a great grandmother

I never met


the one I stole from

an Irish goddess

because hiding behind the roots

that aren’t really mine

is better than admitting

my real name


my real name

that my mom yells

when she’s mad


that is yelled




my real name

six syllables of anger

that shocks me

when anyone else

says it


my real name


they call out

and I jolt at the sound

of a name

I know as my own

but is as unfamiliar

as a stranger’s


this name I’ve chosen

six syllables of fake

is safer than my real one


a name that isn't mine

until i decided 

that invisibility




is better than being known

by a name

I don’t like


I love my name


beautiful, pretty

delicate as a flower


but not a shield

like this one

no barrier between

the character

and the creator


I like my name

the way those characters

whose names are sacred

like their names


for the select few only

for the rest

I am an author and nothing more


an Irish name on a page

with ‘by’ situated in front

and nothing behind it

at all


no past, just a present

and a future

and nothing to tie to it

not even a face


no regret

only ink


only words

never a person writing them



15 years old

More by twoblueviolets