
You know when you’re little and your family always did that thing that made everyone happy and now you look back and it’s like where has all this gone? I have so many memories and moments that I think of every once and a while and it’s like wow. The one that hits the hardest was watching TV, usually the Dukes of Hazzard the original show, not the movies or anything. My family has the first three seasons. I know every one of those episodes by heart and which DVDs is too scratch to even work in the DVD player. When my sister and I were ready to watch we’d make popcorn in an air popper because we never had a microwave, melting the butter on the stovetop in a little cast iron pot. We would always put the Cabot popcorn cheese on it. We would be so excited we would pull the coach out from the walls and put them in rows like in the movie theater. We would already be sitting down eating the popcorn before we even hit play and yell to our dad that we wanted milk to wash down the over-salted cheese popcorn. Now between my sister and I, we both had our favorite and our least favorite episodes. But being three years apart we could never decide which one we should watch. After a while, my parents would get tired of watching the same show over and over so the DVDs would go back into the Rubbermaid buckets. To this day every so often we still break out the Dukes of Hazzard and rewatch it.

    When I think back to those times where the living room would look like the movie theater to watch an old show I miss it. It feels like it was yesterday but somehow still feels years ago. I’m still watching those three seasons of the Dukes of Hazzard and have yet to watch a single episode of any of the other four seasons but the time will come when I know the whole series by heart. I still make my popcorn in the same air popper because I don't ever think that there will be a microwave in this house, not as much salt, still as much butter, but we don't have the Cabot shaker cheese. I definitely don’t drink milk when I need to wash the popcorn down. My sister and I still fight over which ones to watch. I don't think that my favorite episode will ever change. I don’t know if my parents are sick of watching it again yet only time will tell.



18 years old

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