
The dark is many things. Empty, suffocating, depriving, terrifying, but also comforting for some. Fear, however, is the most commonly associated feeling. There are many reasons people fear the dark. It blinds you, hiding all manner of things from you. With nothing to see, all you are really left with is what you can hear, and hearing without sight is not always reliable, for how will you know what it is you’re hearing? You won’t. The imagination also plays a large role. Without anything to physically see, the mind conjures images of impossible things. Without sight, though, how do you prove your mind’s eye wrong? 

In the end, the fear of the dark is the fear of the unknown. What may or may not be there, you can’t tell, because you can’t see. You can guess, or try to remember, but who’s to say that it hasn’t changed? Anything could be there, or nothing, and there is no way to prove either one until the light returns.



18 years old

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