Only Give Me An Answer If You Know

With the bombings and the wars,
Everyone's fear is on fire.
But now?
Right now?
C'mon guys,
It's like we didn't have enough on our plate.
I can't write my anger into words. 
What's the deal with all this hate?
Why can't this all wait until
Until we know what the heck happened!
I'm upset.
Why shouldn't I be?!
We don't need this right now.  
I'm tired of the only news being bad news,
Or COVID news.
I'm sick of hearing
"6 feet!" "Don't forget your mask!" "Get away!"
And yet, I say it too.
Constantly reminding myself and others,
Just when we've forgotten we're in the...
Who knows where we are in it. 
But just when we've forgotten that we are in a pandemic, 
I say those overused words.
But I have a question,
"If sneezes can go 6 feet, shouldn't we stay 7 feet out?" (Not that I want to)
When can I see my friends?
Don't answer my questions if you don't know the answer.



16 years old

More by TheSilentPoet