The Pain Of Seeing You Cry

Nothing hurts me more in this world
Than seeing my big sis cry
I wish I could take away your pain
All I can do is comfort you the best I can
But I know I'm not good at it
I wish I could help more
You are everything to me
You have always been by my side
Always so strong and confident
I look up to you
So when I see you cry
and know there isn't much I can do to help
It hurts
I can't change why you are sad
But I want you to know just how much I love you
Out of all the people in this world
You are the only one
That makes me physically hurt
By seeing you upset
I just want to see you smile
And be happy all the time
I know that is unrealistic
Because all people have their ups and downs
But for you
That is all I wish




YWP Alumni

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