Pandemic Price

I haven’t talked to you since Easter
It feels like an eternity 
My texts are left read..
But unanswered
Guilt slices my gut
Did I say something to offend you?
*I go through my texts*
Nothing looks wrong
Just some pictures of our adorable dogs
And of course silly videos
If I didn’t offend you, then what?
Worry clouds come swooping in
Clogging my brain of all other functions
Are you alright?
Has this virus wrapped it’s tentacles around you too
Or has it squeezed the life out of someone you love?
If so
Why leave me pondering around a dark cave
When you hold a flashlight?
We’re best friends
You can tell me anything
I’ll do everything I can to help

Everyday I try
Text messages flow from my phone to yours
I wait
Staring persistently at the glowing screen
As if willing your brain
Through the glass
Miles away
To look
Finally you do
The word Read pops up under my message to you
Excitement sends sivers down my spine
Today is the day
You will respond
I wait
And wait
Wait some more
I finally realize
There is nothing to wait for
You will not text me back

I repeat this for days on end
Soon I can’t stand it any longer
Waiting is tearing me apart
The only thing to do 
Is to stop
Stop texting you
For I can no longer deal with
My overactive imagination
Painting scenes upon the walls of my brain
That should only be allowed to appear in nightmares
I’m sad to say
I worried it’s over
All the great times together
Blow away in the wind
All the secrets that have left our lips
Implanting themselves in each others ears
As if they have become a nuisance
You scrubbed
Washing them down the drain
Fights that we have learned from
Are long forgotten
I hope I will look back one day
And see how silly I’m being
That our friendship is stronger 
Than any obstacle in our path
But for now I’m sad to say
I think this pandemic..
Has cost me a friend 




17 years old

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    Only A Memory

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