Piano Keys

this isnt a break up song
i know we'll see each other again
maybe not for years and years 
and maybe not even then 
but i know we will find our way back home
you carried me on your shoulders when i was weak
and i tied you to myself
a bond no one could break
and i fell hard
into your arms
all the 
safe and sound
the lost 
the found
there remained only one questioned
i couldnt bear to ask you;
do you want this too?

lila woodard


YWP Alumni

More by lila woodard

  • city girl

    i feel like i don’t know you anymore. 

    i barely recognize your face at this point 

    all your city friends hate me 

    playful kisses in the comments 

    much more sinister then they seem
  • november pills

    it's a reprise of 
    my adolescent thoughts
    ones i had pushed away 
    ones the little capsules of 
    blue and orange had suppressed. 
    but those capsules sometimes 
    stuck in my throat, 
  • i’ll push back

    you make me feel trapped,
    struggling to get free. 
    you hold everything you've ever done for me,
    dangle it over my head 
    and taunt me with its existence. 
    you use your favors as bargaining chips