
I know what you're thinking,
"It's all overblown"
And you're right to be weary
Of what the media has shown

You're safe you say,
Since what you've been told
Is those who are young
Merely suffer a cold

But remember the babies,
Those bundled up tight,
Who struggle with sickness
Not prepared for the fight

Remember the people,
Those already sick,
As they struggle to fight
A contagion so quick

Remember the people
Those who have lived through it all
For them this is serious
Not just a close call

Everyone knows them
We love them all dearly
If you're contagious
It could affect them severely

So next time you scoff
Because you know you'll survive
Just think of the loved ones
Who will still be alive




YWP Alumni

More by MargaretE.

  • Restless Energy

    I have this restless energy
    That leaves me in total disarray
    I’m not sure what to do with her
    What exactly could I say?

    I’m not sure how I know she’s here
    But it’s a feeling that builds up inside
  • Of the Chronic Sort

    Look, I understand 
    you’re just trying to relate
    Pain makes you uncomfortable
    It’s a very human trait

    I am not in favor
    Of the pain my body makes
    And I will not be offended
    If there’s not a part of you that aches