Rain -a confused metaphor

rain is a poet's muse
not any rain but
a cold rain that drips over the stars
a rain that threatens to push away reality for just one second 
and show you another world.
a secret rain for someone to hide in their pocket
and twirl in when nobody's watching.
rain makes you imagine if this crazy life is real
it is sad with you
and happy for you.
sometimes rain drips into your fading rubber boots
until it topples over the edge
and other times the droplets are a million audience members
for you to take pleasure in
and share with.
Everytime it pours
a raindrop falls for every person on this planet.
We brush aside the rain with our machines
just like we do to those who we think less of.
But all that aside
let me ask you this
rain hurts you sometimes
but doesn't everything?
and how much rain can you afford to lose?



19 years old

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