Really cool love story

Entry No. 1
Dear diary,
    I know diaries are kinda stupid and for the girls, but as a boy, I don’t talk to people about my feelings. So I’ve decided to write in this diary cuz why not. My name is Chad Crawford and I am in 10th grade. I play tons of sports, so I consider myself a jock. I’m pretty popular and I have a lot of friends. My parents are very wealthy so I consider myself very lucky In life. There’s only one thing...Bethany Henning. 

She’s the most beautiful girl In the whole school. She’s super nice and funny. Bethany is the captain of the cheer team so I see her a lot at my games. I want to go and talk to her, but I’m worried about her not liking me back. The boys think it’s hilarious that I like her so much, but I don’t care. I know a lot about her, considering that she is in my large friend group. This is where it gets interesting. 

Yesterday I decided to go up to her and tell her about how I feel. I was nervous at first, but I knew It had to be done. As I walked up to her I smiled…..then I felt sick….very sick….SO sick that I threw up on her shoes. I felt so humiliated that I wanted to cry, I never cry. She took off her shoes and told me everything is going to be okay. She then walked me to the school nurse and waited with me. About ten minutes later I decided to just go home, it was a terrible day anyway. 

I woke up this morning to loud chatter from downstairs. I walked downstairs and saw my parents and Bethany talking. “Hey, sleepyhead” Bethany said. I was so confused, maybe I was hallucinating. She told me that she wanted to talk to me so we walked out to the living room. She told me about how she knew that I liked her and how I was going to go tell her about it. Apparently, she knew for a while. She said, “ I like you too, and I have since we met.”. This Is where everything gets better. She came closer to me and gave me a kiss. Turns out there is such thing as a happy ending.




17 years old

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