Roses and Violets

Roses are red

Violets are blue

We’ve known each other 

Since we’ve been in school


We were inseparable 

Through elementary and high

“I want to tell you something”

You said with a sigh


Then during that chat

Although words said were few

You said that you loved me

And I loved you too


Roses are red

Violets are blue

You loved me

And I loved you too


Then how come 

When the day was all white

The cake was tall

And the music was bright


Did you run away

Off into the night

Staring in dismay

My tears were a sight


Roses are red

Violets are blue

The bouquet is wilting

My heart is too



15 years old

More by EmilyLT

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    “Sergeant.” Shirley greeted him with her usual monotone voice. 

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  • The End

    The scribe set down his quill, noticing that the feather was translucent. In the Between, quills changed colors depending on the amount of ink left in the writing utensil. The quill was almost unusable, when it turned that color.