Saving People

I soar through the tree tops and spread my wings as wide as they go. I look down below me as I fly through the sky. I flew as fast as I could trying to find the girl. If I didn’t get there soon she would die and then that meant I failed my job. 

    “Do you see anything?” The voice in my ear asked.

    “Not yet but I am getting close to the ocean. That is where her mom said he took her, isn’t it?” I double checked.

    “Yes. The ocean should be about a mile or so to the right.” 

    I flew in the direction given and in about five minutes later I found the girl laying on the beach face down. I dove down to the ground and when there was two feet left until I hit I changed back into a man. I went over to the girl and turned her over. I felt her wrist for her pulse. It was still there. Maybe I still had a chance at saving her. I started to do CPR on her but then I realized something was in her mouth. I opened it and pulled out a long strand of seaweed. Seconds later she was coughing up the salt water and started breathing again. Just in time for the medics to get here. Before I could leave she pulled on my arm to get my attention. 

    “How did you get here so fast?” She asked.

    “I will tell you this but no one else. I can change into any bird of any size to I can fly and then when I want to change back when I want. No one knows why or how it happens but it’s just there. I have always wanted to be able to help people and this is the best way I can think of. I saved you didn’t I?” I told her. 

    “Yes.” She tired to laugh but only ended up with a smile. “I’m so very thankful for you.” 

    “Your welcome. I hope you get well soon.” I said standing up.

    I jogged off to the edge of the forest, jumped up, and changed back into a bird to go find another person to save.




19 years old

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