school kinda sucks :/

If i take a deep breath in 

Will i suffocate on the fight? 

On the trying 

The trying 

Ive been trying 


Ive been so desperate. Please understand. 


What will help me to focus 

Who brings me a reason 

Fear cowers under my distress 

And my distress hunts my motivation. 

“If you want this, then you must do this” 

Well i cant. 

Its not a choice 

I do not control my eyes refusing to read 

My wrist refusing to write 

My brain refusing to take in the information, i do not control this. Yet you seem to think i am able to fix it. This is why i gave you the emotion: evil. Ive labeled you as the demon that haunts me as i sleep. Waiting to torture my joy into hiding. You smile as you take away the only thing i have. What i label as my true life, you wish to murder me. Murder me then; i will make it hell for you. 



15 years old

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