The Self-Conscious Bug

It buzzes in my ear 
grumpy and loud 

I duck my head and 
try to ignore it 

but still, like a masquito 
it hangs around my ears   

its unpleasant humming 
drives me to question 

what I say 
what I do 

sometimes it helps 
other times it only blocks my future 

it held my arm down in class 
and pushed me into a slouch in large rooms 

this bug will be squished for sure I think 
as I press down the backspace button once again 

I'll always be this way 

bug or no bug.




17 years old

More by Zorro

  • thoughts

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    Silently with chapped lips and 

    breath in the cool air.

    But, I think I'll finish this 

    half-baked thought later 

    when winter has come and gone.

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  • Floating

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