Semper Semoto ( Forever Out Of Reach)

Wisdom is attained
By making mistakes
And taking the time
Too learn and grow from them

Yet making mistakes
Is frowned upon
It brings unwanted attention 
To parts of our life we prefer
Stay keep hidden
For protection
We always strive for perfection 

However by setting the bar 
To it’s highest 
There’s no room for even the smallest mixup 
Making the fall
Much more painful


Perfection is but a cloud

To the gazing eye
It appears solid 
A cotton ball
Floating tantalizingly out of reach

A lone laughing child 
Gives chase
Determined to feel 
The irresistibly fluffy texture 
Of floating matter
Shaped into anything
Her overactive imagination can think of
Between her grubby little fingertips 

When a window of opportunity approaches 
Her sweet innocent heart
Pounds a beat faster than any drummer 
Her outstretched fingers shake with anticipation 
As cloud and human become barely inches apart
Eyes are squeezed shut
Awaiting contact at long last


Peeking from behind long lashes 
Mist covers her delicate tan nose 
Her long awaited dream
Sitting but centimeters away
She reaches father up
Extending her arm to its very limit
And keeps reaching till pain bites through her shoulder
Impatience places big springs
In legs so tiny
Assiting in adding a few more inches 
To a never ending race

Eyes now wide open
She see’s a cloud
But is unable to feel
Its cool, fluffy coat
That has replayed for hours on end
In her mind 
She finally realizes it’s of no use 
Anger then sadness invade her mind
As tears streak down her face 
From watery aqua eyes 

Another dream come and gone
Without results
Another waste
Of time




17 years old

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    the stars 
  • By Whitney

    Only A Memory

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    brushes my cheek, with a kiss. 
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