Smell the Love

I walked into the nearly-empty
diner and was hit by the strong
smell of love, waiting and waiting
til I hear your voice behind me, 
small chatter fills the room look 
thier I spotted you



16 years old

More by Jennafyr

  • The Misty Lake

    You always brought me to 
    the beautiful lake early morning 
    you laid down in the boat 
    as you were snorring, the sound 
    of birds chirpping while mom is
    slurpping down her coffee it goes 
  • The Sore One

    When I opened my eyes, I saw
    that my body was no longer mine,
    but it was yours. Cold, weak and 
    sore this all must be a dream so 
    please leave me to weep i'll be okay
    without you just take a sleep it's okay 
  • Unknown Home

    I walked away from my house as fast as possible, heart rasing no one is in town. It's empty. 
    Not a single soul just mine. Something was in my house I didnt know what it was but it was