A spirit

Do you hear the whisper?
The soft brushing of her voice against your ear?
Do you hear her speak?
Do you hear her question?
Her question of "Will I ever be relieved of my duty and sleep?"
Do you hear her screams?
She lives
But she died
Do you hear her whisper?
Do you hear her question?
Her question of "Will I ever be relieved of my duty and sleep?"
Well I hear her
I hear her question
I hear her screams of pain and despair
My heart reaches out to her in sympathy
In sadness for her agony...her agony of living, when she died
She wants to rest
To sleep
But her soul is burdened with a task
A task to protect
So she does
She protects the one who lives in her house
She protects people on the street
She protects people of pain, despair, sadness, loneliness, all things she has felt
She saves people of things they do not want to endure
She is everyones guardian
In hope that one day she will be relieved of her duty, and sleep




14 years old

More by Mermaid-Viking

  • When I left

    Since I left, so many things have changed

    My plants withered away

    My books degraded

    And people wondered

    What happened?

    But soon forgot my legacy

    My family left

    Following the sunset
  • The Ocean

    My home is the Ocean

    My home is the Beach

    I have made happy memories there

    Memories of joy, of freedom

    When I am there with my family we laugh, we have fun, we smile
  • I am

    I am a girl
    I am a gamer
    I am NOT a girl gamer
    I am just a gamer
    I am a mountain biker
    I am a swimmer
    I am a soccer player
    I am a basketball player
    I am a writer
    I am a poet
    I am an author
    I am a circus proformer