Standing against the tyrants of darkness

From an age of information to an age of misinformation,
We see our world shatter with deceit.
O’ politicians of our age, why dishonor the truth,
When truth is all we have at the end of democracy?
Why give in to madness, and the thirst for power,
When there are consequences for your words?
You stand above the grounds of liberty,
Yet you transform them into a graveyard of justice.
Wake up! Children of our time,
Do not fall into the trap of endless fabrication.
Wake up! Children of our time,
Do not give in to the tyrants of this world.
Strike with logic and reason, 
The only tools we have left. 
I warn you
About the dangers lurking under the sea of lies.
Do not be sucked into the whirlpool of propaganda.
Do not be drowned by an ocean of deception.
When it is too late, we will have no hope of escaping.
I present this poem with an urgent message. 
Without action, democracy will soon lie in the dust. 
I write this poem out of utmost necessity –
Before the tyrants of darkness devour us.




19 years old

More by MaxWang

  • Time Flows

    We always remember at the final hour,
    time runs by, and soon too late.
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    We wait, until the bell rings on the tower,
    the clock, slowly, begins to rotate.
  • My Homeland

    With lips red as a rose,
    my face pale, like a ghost,
    I study, in the mountains, where
    bitter frost digs through my skin.
    I sit, by the window, wondering,
    why am I here? To learn,
    to find a better life, miles
  • Ode to a Tree

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    of an old tree,
    I find a place,
    to rest, and enjoy.
    The tree stands tall,
    with leaves green as emerald.
    It fills the streets
    with fresh air.
    I climb onto its branches.
    It lets me see,
    far, far away.