Imagine you are a grandma, whose favorite hat is an intricate straw number, passed down from her grandma, and crafted with loving hands by her great aunt, it makes her feel beautiful and young again, always putting a smile on her face. I give you this image to better understand. Now imagine when someone knocks it off her head in a rush to catch a train, a kind stranger bends down to pick it up, and it gets caught in a gust of wind and blown onto the tracks, where the woman can only look on as it gets run over and crushed by the 9 o’clock train running a minute late. The ghosts of her grandma and great-aunt watch as the sparkle of joy falls from her face.
Straw Hats
More by Bella-The-Goat
A play... it's not finished, but I want ideas
JAMES: A wrestler, very calm and collected, except out on the mat in the spotlight.
SHADOW: A strictly rule-following entity, always carrying a large book, gets flustered easily
Oh I can imagine it all right T_T
I can even imagine the straw hat as my very heart lol
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