The Tale of the Loom

The Greatness opened its eyes, and saw darkness. And the Greatness was alone. 
So the Greatness thought of a loom, and in that moment, the first loom was created. 
The Greatness took the darkness and wove it into the Moon and the Sun, Taman and Tarak.
And suddenly the Greatness was no longer alone.
One day, Tarak came to the Greatness and said to Them, "Oh highest of holy ones, oh great father of the heavens, oh great mother of Taman and Tarak, please, I am lonely. I only see my twin Taman at sunset, and even then it is fleeting. Please, create for me a world to shine down on."'
And the Greatnes remembered Their lonliness and sat before Their loom once more. They wove the the first planet, Mercury into existance from firey pink fibers and thrust it down into the sky. And for a while, the Greatness rested as the Mercury spun peacefully around Tarak.
One night, Taman came to the Greatness and said to them, "Oh most holy of the holy, oh great mother of the twins Tarak and Taman, oh great weaver of the blessed worlds I am jealous. For Tarak and Mercury are so close together, a warm emrbace taht chills me to my core. Please, oh Greatness, create for me another world, far from Tarak so that he may know how it feels to be jealous."
And so the Greatness returend once more to their loom and wove the planet Neptune alive from cold green fibers and tossed it as far as They could away from Tarak.
And Taman was happy, and Tarak was happy and Mercury and Neptune spun in their orbits.
Untill one day, Mercury and Neptune came to the Greatness and asked Them, "Oh great mother, oh great father, please, we are so far from each other that we must shout to be heard.And beisdes that, we want to marry. Please, make us friends and messengers and wives and husbands and children and fill the sky with your weavings."
The Greatness, though They were tired, turned back to Their loom , and began to fill the sky with more planets-the white thread of Venus, the red of Mars, the brown of Jupiter, the yellow of Saturn, and the blue of Uranus untill their was no more room in the sky. The Greatness turned to Their creations and said, "Are you satisifed? Taman, you are no longer lonely. Tarak, you are no longer jealous. Mercury and Neptune, you have your husbands and wives."
And all the planets and Taman and Tarak agreed that they were stasiified. 
And so the Greatness, very tired now, looked at Their loom before they went to rest. They realized that they had many fibers and bits of string left over from the creation of the planets. The\y decided to create one last world, beuatiful and unique, made of all the fibers left over.
There was pink, and green, and blue and white and brown and yellow and red. This was to be a patchwork world, very small, and the Greatness called it Earth. They gently placed it in to the gap between Venus and Mars, and Taman and Tarak and all the planets were pleased to have another friend. But the Greatness was not done. They kept weaving, and created plants and animals and stones and dirt and water, and last of all, man.
The planets mumbled in portest, but the Greatness was too tired to even hear. Stretching Themselves out and emrbacing Their creations, They finally fell asleep, fell apart, and became the stars.
To this day, Taman still hold the planets close, and Tarak is never alone when the glimmering remains of the Greatness twinkle throughout he sky.



YWP Alumni

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