There is something we can do

The silence is deafening, there's no doubt about it
It surrounds us until we choke
There is much we should be doing
And yet no sound is heard, there is nothing to say
Not anymore, we think 

But then a voice speaks up 
Echoing through the silence
Together, it says, together we must stand
The voice refuses to believe what we believe to be true
That there is nothing that we can do

That there is no
searching for the truth
      Looking forward to the future
            Finding answers for ourselves and others
There is no more, we all state, nothing that we can do

But then the extraordinary happens
The voice speaks up again
Its whisper still loud when it states
There is something we can do
There is something we can do
There is something we can do
It repeats again and again like an unending mantra

It's only then that the mantra is repeated by everyone else
There is something we can do
There is something we can do
There is something we can do
Over and over again, until they, too, believe it

Then you say it proudly, with a grin on your face
Your hands thrown up in the air with glee
There is something we can do
You repeat because you, too, believe it is true

So whenever you can't believe in yourself
And everything else falls flat
Just believe that you can do something
To change the world, and maybe change you



18 years old

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