
You say I am not special enough

To be two people

You say it's in my brain

And I can't help but

Be glad that at least mine works

Because how can who i am

Quietly and privately

Offend you so much,

Is your own person

So fragile 

So broken 

That it makes you nervous 

That I know exactly who I am 

And even if it was in my brain

Who would you be to say

That makes it any less real


I'm more worthy of a title than you

Because I've had to fight for people like you

To see me and know me as I see and know myself

And that makes every day a hell to get through 

But a race I always win

Because the best part 

If making you uncomfortable

When you thought 

You were a 




I am not special enough to be two people?

You're lucky that I even see you as one.

Because without humanity we are nothing but all flesh

And no soul.

And I look at you, and see no soul, only flesh.

If that.

So take your words and keep them in,

Because if I want,

I will be two people,

Or three

Or whatever I feel like 

Because you don't define me,

I do.


lila woodard


YWP Alumni

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