
I have been thinking about the voting system for a long time, and while I do have a rather unpopular opinion, I would love to hear your thoughts.

The voting age should be 13 years old. (That does not mean that you are required to vote at 13, it just means you can)
Many issues are effecting all Americans, not just adults and kids should be able to have a vote too.
When someone wishes to register to vote, they need to take a simple test, proving that they know enough about the American government and the way our country works. This way, the voters will be informed and educated instead of people who don’t really know the repercussions that their votes can have if someone gets elected who is not a good fit.
People will often just check boxes depending on which party they normally vote for. The problem with this is that people will get elected who don’t really deserve the office they seek or aren’t the best choice.
Some people will just not vote. Many don’t because they don’t think that their voices matter. If we had all our voters voting in a more informed way, then we would have no need for the Electoral College and other such systems  that discourages many from voting. 
Every twenty years, a voter should have to retake that test I mentioned because our policies and laws change.

This is kind of a jumble of my thoughts, but I hope it makes sense. It is rather radical ;) 
I would love to work in politics someday and people tell me not to cause they suck but I think that we really just need to make change so here I am!!



19 years old

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