Waldorf School

Dear Non-Waldorf Schoolers,
How many of you have heard of a Waldorf School?
If you haven't that's okay, I'll explain.
If you have, what do you think of people like me who go there?
Do you think we're rich, snobby, uneducated jerks?
Here's the definition of a Waldorf School from Wikipedia:
 Waldorf education, also known as Steiner education, is based on the educational philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy. Its pedagogy strives to develop pupils' intellectual, artistic, and practical skills in an integrated and holistic manner. The cultivation of pupils' imagination and creativity is a central focus.

So yeah, some of us have a good amount of money
But no, we aren't snobby
Except for a few people but there's always a few snobby people in every school right?
And let me assure you that yes, we are educated.
Sure, we have a different curriculum but we still learn the same subjects as everyone else.

Some public school kids call us Waldorks.
Gee, how creative.
People will ask me to where I go to school and I'll tell them
But sometimes I get the look.
The "Oh it's a private school kid" look.
You might know a similar look
The "Oh they're a poet" look.
You know how that feels when people think you're soft or going through a phase?
I don't want to feel ashamed of where I go to school.
I am proud.
Proud to next year be going to the only Waldorf High School in VT.
Proud to be loved and to be loving.

Here's what I want you to know about my school:

  • Yes, we have a class called crafts where we knit, sew, woodwork, make art and other cool things
  • Yes, we are required to play either the violin, viola and cello and no, we don't get to chose.
  • No, we don't have a gym but that doesn't mean we don't like sports.
  • No we don't get grades until high school but that doesn't mean we aren't smart
  • Just because I write poetry and 
  • Everyone knows everyone
  • People are kind
  • The teachers are friendly (for the most part)
  • I feel safe
  • The community is beautiful
  • I love it
Not dissing public schools at all
Or you.
I would like to hope that none of you are the type to laugh behind our backs.
And if you are, please reconsider.
I just want you to try to understand how much I love my school
Next time you hear someone make fun of private schoolers
Consider this:
We still get an education
And sure we may be fortunate enough to have enough money to go to a school like Waldorf
But we're still kids
Fighting drama
And frienemies at every turn just like the rest of you.
We're scared sometimes 
We laugh often
Just like all of you.

I guess the moral of this story is
Don't judge what you don't know.

That's my inspiring words for the day
Thank you for listening to my rant.
LM (Proud Waldorfian)



19 years old

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