I avert my eyes to the carpet beneath my feet and enjoy the moment of quiet. I would have thought it would be rather awkward, but in actuality, it was quite reassuring and comfortable. Even to my surprise, I felt Erik’s thumb towards my face, rubbing a tear away. “You...You were crying,” he mutters as a peaceful appearance crosses his facial features and I relax my shoulders even more at the feeling of his skin. It was warm, like mine. It was softer, than mine. Yet, what made it really congenial was the fact that last night had to be one of the first times I’d indulged in something like this so willingly. I reached for his hand and rubbed my cheek into his palm, something totally out of the norm even for me, and grinned like there was no tomorrow.
It was already clear that our feelings were reciprocal.
More by gigikelly1005
"Selia?" Still facing the window, I open one of my eyes, and sighed at the acknowledgement of my own name. I turned toward him. "What do you want? To annoy me? Or--" He exhaled deeply. "My apologies, for my behavior earlier this morning. -
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