What Fall Brings Me


Fall is the season

Where I am back in school 

When soccer has started 

Where in school we talk soccer 

Where the apples are ripe, a good snack after school 

Fall is the season 

When the sky is blue, blue or gray; never in between 

Where the air is crisp and cold, promising winter snows

When the chorus of birds dwindles down to the birds that stay all year

Where the leaves whisper secrets to each other in that breeze

Where the sunsets are less orange and more pink 

Fall is the season

Where we go camping with friends 

Where my grandfather and brother stack wood and hunt 

Where my brother and I barely see each other. 

Where my grandfather is a critic about the foliage 

Fall is the season 

Where I am up before the sun 

When in the morning you need a coat but in the afternoon a that is unthinkable

Where the sheep are laying down when I bring them water 

Where I am dreading the day I wake up to frost and ice on the water bucket for the sheep.

Fall is the saeson when I swing I feel a rush that is indescribable.

Blowing in the Wind


15 years old

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