when you took the stars for granted

when you were 11
your science teacher taught you about the stars. 
he pointed to the sky
and told you it takes thousands of years
for the light to reach the earth
so the stars you see are probably already gone. 
later that night you tried to count the stars
but you ran out of fingers and toes 
so at bedtime you went without protest
and dreamed you were a mountain holding hands with the sky. 

tonight you blur your eyes and pretend the city lights are stars.
somewhere between coffee and conversations 
you let the world turn you inside out
you forgot that the stars have always been there for you
even when they’re breaking.
but you lost sight of them and later when you call
they don’t answer.




YWP Alumni

More by Anna

  • A thank you to the world

    thank you
    for bringing us mornings that taste like leftovers and sound
    like last night's debate replaying on TV.
    thank you
    for giving us the song of the radio:
    politics and pollution
    promises and lies. 
    thank you 
  • returning

    it’s strange to be back
    and to be gone.
    the sunlight still holds me although 
    it doesn’t whisper the way it used to
    breathing softly against my ear 
    the promise of always
    until that too falls apart.

  • returning

    it’s strange to be back
    and to be gone.
    the sunlight still holds me although 
    it doesn’t whisper the way it used to
    breathing softly against my ear 
    the promise of always
    until that too falls apart.