Why does the world pretend to act like nothing bad is happening?
Why does the government, meant to safeguard the people, suddenly make this a monarchy?
I find it stupid that some people think that this is all fine and dandy.
Why do schools not teach you about what’s going on now, but instead say that “throughout history bad things have happened but nothing bad is happening now.” Even though the country is falling apart around them?
Why do people shield us from what is happening now?
Act like everything is fine, when it isn't?
That makes me mad.
It makes me mad that it seems like some people are okay with this bullshit happening in the government right now.
Posted in response to the challenge Democracy & Ethics – Writing.
My guess it that either becuase they trust the government, believe the damage will somehow be worth it (or just personal gain), or ignore it all due to the untrue conclusion that there's nothing they can do about it and it's best not to worry (so like a coping mechanism). Definitely does not justify anything though.
Luckily not everyone is ignoring the world's problems, and even we have a choice on what to do about the stuff going on
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