why world?

i have so many why's to ask of the world

why i must wear a bra
when men walk around
chests bare

why i must scream
to have my voice heard
when men whisper
heard by the whole room

why we must kill everything
that gets in our way
we are killing ourselves
in that process

why is my body yours
when it should be mine
mine alone

why is our planet dying
we have the answers
you're just too afraid

why am i scared to walk alone 
clutching my keys
ready to defend myself
if i am touched unwillingly

why are you ignoring our cries
putting the future on our shoulders
but turning your back
when we call for change

why is our future growing dark
you have the light
just share the embers

why are you forcing the young
to fight the battles
you started

I have so many why's to ask of the world



18 years old