Women I Know

There are a lot of women that I know:

My mother, 







Family friends. 

I am glad to know all these women.

My mother, who raised five children,

My sisters who taught me all about life,

My Niece, who I get to watch grow up,

My grandmother, who gives advice,

My aunts, who watched me grow up,

My cousins, who I love to see at family gatherings,

Friends, who I get to laugh with,

Family friends, who I get to go on trips with.

These are women that I know. 


I want to be able to be as beautiful and confident as they are,

I want to be a wonderful mother,

I always aspire to be a better sister,

I hope I was and am a good niece,

I wish to be a remembered grandmother,

I am learning to be a great aunt,

I assume I can be seen as a fun cousin,

I dream to be as good as friend as my friends,

I desire to be known as a family friend.

I am always wishing to be like the women I know.


I am scared to not live up to the titles they all own.

Worried I will not be as magical of a mother

Worried I am constantly failing as a sister,

Worried I was not as wonderful a niece,

Worried I will be not wanted as a grandmother,

Worried I won’t be seen as a role model of an aunt,

Worried I am already irrelevant to a cousin

Worried I am the reason to be strangers and not a friend

Worried I won’t be relevant to be a family friend,

This is the woman I don't want to know.



16 years old

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