Words from 'The Dinner Party'

swullocking -- muggy, sultry
welkin -- sky
gleen -- burst of sunshine, or a gap in the clouds
brumous -- foggy
brae -- a steep hillside or bank
ceilidh -- a party involving music, dancing, storytelling, etc (pronounced KEE-lay)
droshky -- a two- or four-wheeled Russain carriage
wabble -- wobble
cosset -- pet lamb
squamous -- scaly
skink -- a type of lizard
sheldrake -- a type of duck
dome -- in this context: a hall
twinspur -- a type of flower
jounce -- bob
jalousie -- a window comprised of glass slats
katalox -- a type of dark wood
raucous -- noisy
klatch -- crowd
zechin -- sequin
glister -- glitter
fife -- a small flute
crwth -- a celtic stringed instrument (pronounced CREWH; the 'w' has a slight 'ha' on the end)
descant -- play in a high register
tenoroon -- tenor bassoon
nosh -- eat
mulligan -- a type of stew
champ -- chomp
beeves -- plural of beef
abattoir -- slaughterhouse
wynd -- narrow street (pronounced WHINED [like bind or find])
costrel -- a flat, earthenware container for liquid with loops to pass a rope or belt through
anisette -- a clear, sweet liquor made from anise
sacchariferous -- containing sugar
blether -- chatter
pawky -- shrewd
capote -- long coat, sometimes hooded
frothy -- lacy
epergne -- a metal centerpiece designed to hold dishes, vases, and candleholders (pronounced eh-PERN)
salver -- a serving platter
lovage, hyssop, and dill -- herbs
wisha -- an exclamation of surprise
yegg -- thief
strepitous -- noisy
slithery -- having a slippery texture or quality
elver -- young eel
larcener -- thief
muster -- meeting
hie -- hasten
wain -- cart
moke -- donkey or (in Australia) a rather poor horse
piebald and roan -- colors of horses
louring -- dark and threatening
murk -- fog
cepheid -- (should be capitalized, actually) a type of star with a regular light pattern that astronomers can use to determine distances in space



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    O, Heliades, your tears flow once more down your poplar bark ragged,
    Cries hushed forever below the brown wood of your transformèd eyes.
    Phaethon, your brother, lies cold in the tomb ringèd round by your thicket,