the worlds greatest cheeseburger

Most people want to go to space or be rich or just travel the world but me i’m only focused on one thing and one thing alone i want to eat the world's greatest cheeseburger there this wisetale that says there are ingredients to make the world's greatest cheeseburger but you have to travel the world to get the ingredients. 
I was at my grandparents house and i was helping them clean out their attic as i was rummaging through their stuff i found this book that had a lock on it so the first thing i thought about was the key that my grandma gave me when i was just a little boy i always wore it as a necklace thinking that it would do nothing but why not try i take the key out from under my shirt slowly put it into the key slot and turn it the latch pops open my grandfather yells from downs stairs “ whats taking you so long” so i focus my attention on cleaning out the attic, i slip the book into my pocket and pick up a box and bring it down from the attic.
I get home lay in bed thinking about the book i found earlier in the attic i get out of bed go over to my jacket take the book and open it up and started reading it was made like a journal so it said things like “i have traveled many miles been through the amazon jungle this might be my hardest journey ever” at the beginning of the journal it said 世界最高のチーズバーガー which i don’t know what that means but it starts talking about stuff in a cheeseburger and where to find the ingredients so i packed my bags grabbed my walkman and went to go find the ingredients to the 世界最高のチーズバーガー   while jamming out to video killed the radio star by the buggles the first place i went to was to turkey to get so very nice ground beef from the native cows the books says the greatest place to get the meat is from the boyun which is the neck in turkish which is harder than ever because the cows in turkey are huge just to get to the neck it was like climbing a mountain and i cut a good chunk out of that neck. I should have read on in the book because my next stop was wisconsin the home of the cheeseheads to get the world’s greatest cheese and also stop to watch a green bay packer’s game because why not, but back to getting the cheese the book just gave the coordinates to where to find the cheese instead of tell a country or state so i stomped my way through the dense forest of wisconsin and found a little barn with a talking cow i thought that i was dreaming or high but no it was happening the cow said that the way i get the greatest cheese is having to do three things first i had to clean the barn which didn’t take long then i had to eat moldy cheese which took a long time because i couldn’t stand how furry the cheese was but i got it down third was milk the cow so i milked the cow and when i milked it the cheese came out all creamy and i smelled so good on to the next chapter of the book. The next chapter was lettuce which was in iceland the book said go to ísjakinn á hæsta fjallinu but no coordinates so i had no idea what i was supposed to do but i still went to iceland hoping that someone could translate so i started to ask around and no one knew what it said then a old man yelled to me telling me that he knew what i was looking for he pointed to a mountain with an iceberg on it i also noticed that it was the tallest mountain to he gave me gear and set me on my way to the mountain. I started climbing the mountain every inch closer to the top the less air i had as i make it to the top i see the lettuce stuck inside the iceberg i lift up my icepick and i start to get dizzy right before i fully blacked out i hit the iceberg and released the lettuce i woke up later in side the old man's house the old man had a very cute daughter which was taking care of me so i got fully distracted i completely forgot about the lettuce so i rush out of the room that i was in and ran to find the old man but he was nowhere to be found i stayed at his house with his daughter were she took care of me even more i got concerned that her dad won’t come back as night falls and the wolves howl me and the old man’s daughter ate supper she made cheeseburgers that didn’t taste bad  maybe she made the best cheeseburger. To be continued

Donovin Chase


19 years old

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