Wrong Tags Branded

A human lies above me. Her snores sounded loudly against the hollow room, echoing. I’m afraid, afraid of all humans, not just her. It seems weird, a monster being afraid of a human? Never heard of it, but it’s true. My family doesn't understand me. They think that I’m a disgrace to them. To be honest, I don’t even know why I’m like this myself. I’m not short or small, at least six feet. My appearance is frightening to others because I have sharp fangs, big claws, and a large foot. Still, an old quote says, “don’t judge a book by its cover.” I’m not what you think, although I am a monster, but I’m very gentle. I like to eat things that are cut into small pieces. I wipe my mouth after I eat, and I’m always polite when talking with others.  The human who lives above me is short and plumpy. She has a big smile everyday, but…I still feel uneasy. After living under her bed for some time, I finally understand why. She appears to be kind, but when the people leave, that’s when she truly starts to show herself. Crazy is what I would call her. She throws tantrums and shouts whenever something doesn’t go her way. A kick and a scream is enough to make me shiver in my seat. Oh how indeed scary she can be, how terrifying! Like what you humans have branded on us, like a monster.



15 years old

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