WTH, world

Black and white

The conflict the world can't seem to get over

Why can't we all just be people?

This is no difficult task, to accept others

Does it actually matter where someone comes from? Does it matter what their race is? What about their ethnicity? What about the color of their skin? Does it matter what their size is? Does it matter who they love? What about their sexuality? Does that matter too? Oh, what about their reproductive organs? 

The answer is no.

It does not matter.

At least, it should not.

But to many it does. 

And it changes their minds about people they don't even know.

So, as humans, let's begin to realize that these are not reasons to look down on someone.

Let's raise people up instead.

Posted in response to the challenge Hope & Resilience.

M. Hank


14 years old

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