
The days where the image of your face isnt in my head are the best.

I was almost happy.

You ruined a lot of things for me. 

You took away my innocence

My willingness to speak

You took the words away.

You brought pain.

You took away my trust.

My friendships

You destroyed my reputation, and permanently broke a part of me.

I’m the one who has to suffer.

Apparently, all the good girls go to hell.

The only good days I have are the ones without you.

I don’t want to let this get to me but I can’t control it can I?



18 years old

More by thelightb49

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    I think the realest love out there is the moon and the stars.

    They’re always together making eachother stand out.

    No matter what the moons imperfections,

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  • Women of the future

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    I grew up learning about powerful women ambassadors, seeing how they impacted history.
  • seasons

    Fall is a symbol of death.
    In spring, flowers sprout, they begin a new life.
    In summer, they are alive, projecting their vibrant color. 
    The leaves were green, swaying in the wind, giving the tree more volume and life.