“You are nothing but a little kid..”

I race, breathing heavily with each passing moment.
Ready to cross that finish line, showing them I can do it…
But, of course, life mocks me again- as I trip in the dirt my legs scrapped raw,
It hurts so bad but I must keep going. 
I push myself inch by inch closer to the finish line, my body screaming… 
“I can do it… I have to do it…”
I fall again-
However, time stopped right then and there…
I was the only one who couldn’t move while everyone else could.
My body is finally able to rest and tumbles.
Everything was quiet until I began to cry…
It hurt so bad, everything was aching, screaming in pain.
But I have to do this, or what everyone said about me will be true. 
“You are weak, pathetic, and just a little kid…”
I stop crying.
I accept it's okay to cry. 
To feel weak at times.
I will still do my best. 
As I say that time starts again, and my legs run more rapidly than ever before.
I run ahead of the others,
The finish line is inches away.
I did it…



14 years old

More by EvieC